Holy Work

I was listening to a resident regale tales of her earlier years in New York. She loved and had a strong background in theater, and knew exactly how to enthrall an audience. On that afternoon, in between group activities, I was hers, and I marveled in each recounting of a long ago version of herself- …

Boatloads of Shame

Dementia patients often exhibit "challenging behaviors." I hear this phrase often and it gets under my skin. It reminds me of other phrases like “she was a strong-willed child” (not speaking from experience or anything) or “there were a lot of big personalities in that group.” Just for this blog post, let’s call it what it …

Dementia Care and Meals: creating new memories and putting old habits on the chopping block

During a personal low point a couple of years ago, I went home to visit my parents. I was really craving one thing: my Mom's cooking. My parents grow some of their own vegetables and herbs, and both of them are GREAT cooks. I pulled up to their home Friday evening and walked in to …